7 Great Reasons to Use Marketing Automation

Using digital marketing properly for your business is easier said than done. There are various aspects that you or your in-house team needs to deal with. To overcome such difficulties effortlessly, you can opt for digital marketing automation. Nowadays, B2B businesses know a lot about automating email marketing. However, hardly any of them know to use this tool. With that being said, here is a checklist of 7 great reasons to use marketing automation for your business.

An Introduction to Marketing Automation

Before we dive into the chief benefits of marketing automation, you must understand what marketing automation is. Marketing automation is nothing but the technique of making your marketing processes more efficient by putting them on autopilot. The tool allows you to streamline and automate various tasks like sending personalized emails, updating customers with content, personalizing website experiences, analyzing and choosing among new opportunities. Marketing automation virtually eliminates mundane and repetitive processes like:

∙ Creating campaigns manually

∙ Creating and uploading content to websites

∙ Analyzing reports and sales data

∙ Content scheduling and posting it on the various social media networks

∙ Sending of an SMS text which contains a discount for a consumer’s birthday bash

∙ Sending out reminders to certain consumers who leave your carts permanently

∙ Sending out monthly or weekly newsletters for all your subscribers at a particular time

∙ Collecting your consumers’ data by optimizing your targeted content, messaging, and website

You can also add other processes like lead scoring, nurturing leads and closing the sales, etc. to use marketing automation effectively. Marketing automation is a boon for businesses that need automation and process efficiencies seamlessly. An ordinary person would take hours to complete the various digital marketing tasks by himself or herself. Conversely, automated software tools can manage the same tasks within seconds. Subsequently, it also stores the crucial pieces of information in the proper and expected way.

Some Worthwhile Statistics about Marketing Automation

Below is a checklist of statistics about marketing automation which every business owner should know using this marketing strategy. So, without any further delay, let’s get started!

∙ Marketing automation is estimated to drive a 14.5% surge in the sales margin for businesses.

∙ Around seventy-seven percent of marketers have seen a surge in their conversion rate only due to marketing automation.

∙ This is because non-automated campaigns usually have a lower conversion rate. On the flip side, automated marketing campaigns have a way higher conversion rate for a business of any size.

∙ Seventy-five percent of all organizations are using marketing automation nowadays.

So, use marketing automation effectively and take your business to its next level of success. To dive deeper, below are the 7 great reasons to use marketing automation for your business this time.

1. Track Conversions to Measure Success

Marketing automation is excellent at tracking conversions. It makes the job of marketers easier by allowing them to manage various marketing-related tasks from a central platform. When these platforms are integrated with your business website, you can easily track what works and what doesn't work for your business. You can also use these data to glean potential buyers, engage with prospective ones and nurture leads.

2. Personalize Messages According to Contact History

Marketing automation platforms allow you to create personalized messages for various types of individuals on your mailing list. Suppose, an individual has downloaded multiple resources from your website in the past few months. In that case, you can send him or her a special email containing materials relevant to his or her latest downloads. More importantly, you can use these bits of information about an individual's demographics and behavior on your website to create personalized messages.

3. Create Follow-Ups for Leads

Creating useful follow-ups is difficult when you have a limited workflow. However, with marketing automation, you can automate various tasks, including email follow-ups. Likewise, you can program your marketing automation platform to send follow-up emails to leads who haven't visited your website in a while. You can also use this tool to schedule emails according to an individual's time zone or match mass broadcasts with thousands of potential buyers on your mailing list.

4. Personalize Content According to Customers’ Interests

Customers are more likely to engage with your business when you provide them with personalized experiences. Say for example, if a lead has already downloaded resources from your website, he or she is likely to look at your email the way somebody looks at an ad on social media. With marketing automation, you can ensure that these individuals get the right emails at the right time.

5. Track Your Competitors' Strategies

You can monitor your competitors on social media, their blogs, and other third-party channels to get a good idea of what they're up to. Marketing automation tools allow you to track competitor activity by searching for relevant keywords in incoming leads. For instance, if someone in your town is in the market for a catering service, you can monitor social media and other third-party channels to gather insights about the kinds of food served at catering services.

6. Track Clicks and Conversions Back to Your Website

Some marketers think that all they need to do is build an email list. However, this mindset doesn't help you in the long run. You need to create a list of people who are likely to buy from you. That's where marketing automation comes into play. Use it to check which links and keywords align with your email subject lines and which contents work best for your business Using these tricks will surely increase your conversion rate accordingly.

7. Measure ROI

If you want to know whether your marketing automation strategy is working, you need to check the return on investment (ROI). Marketing automation platforms allow you to measure ROI by tracking sales generated by your email campaigns. This way, you can make sure that your emails are doing what they're supposed to do.

Let's Wrap Up!

Keep in mind that most B2B marketers fail when it comes to using marketing automation. To be successful with it, you first need to identify your target audience and create a buyer persona for them. By doing this, you can make sure that your marketing automation efforts are headed in the right direction, which will improve overall campaign performance.

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